Now after my Borax post- I must say that the only change to the Laundry Detergent Recipe that I took from this AWESOME site
and tried and loved. So now that I am Borax free. We just omitted the Borax, no oxy-clean, and no purex crystals. since those have chemicals that my son has to avoid. So below is my families version of Laundry soap, and it works amazingly well for country living boys!
Dry Laundry Soap
3 bars Fels Naptha Soap Grated
1 Box of Washing Soda
1 Lg. Box of Baking Soda
Combine the 3 in a large 5 gallon pail and mix in a well ventilated area. We use 2 tablespoons a load. And it works great.
You might think that removing the Borax or Oxy-clean reduced the cleaner power. But we didn't find it so. The washing soda really seems to be enough oompf for the job!
I have a front loading HE washer so there isn't too much suds either.
You can make this easily into a liquid by just adding water and boiling the Grated soap down, but I prefer the granules.
The funniest part is I recently talked to my Grandma and she was telling that when she was a girl in the 30's her mother used Fels Naptha soap on a washing board. When she grew up she made and used the same recipe as I am now without the Borax. She said she used it for years, since back then she couldn't afford the expensive pre-made stuff.
Hehe, guess this whole frugal thing runs in the family........
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